
What’s in a Name?

In Exodus 3 Moses asked God an interesting question, “When I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?'” Somehow Moses knew that Israel, in their slavery and...


He Always Has More

The amazing thing about Jesus is that He is constantly showing us more of Himself. As we come to stages of our lives in which we are secure in Him, in what He has done for us, in who He is in our lives, He takes the initiative to show us even more of His...


The Presence of Hope

Romans 5 declares that “hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Our hope is not in outcomes, in opportunities or our own understanding. Our hope must be built by the fact that the Holy Spirit has been...


Holy, Holy, Holy

Do you consider yourself holy? Why or why not? When considering holiness what is it that we are looking at? What makes us holy? I believe that the only way to consider holiness is to look directly at God. In Isaiah 6 and in Revelation 4 we are given glimpses into God’s throne room and...


His Masterpiece

Ephesians 2:10 begins by stating “For we are God’s mastpiece.” This statement is often hard for many of us to believe or agree with. We are not trying to become masterpieces, we were as He desired us to be at our creation. Yes, there is much grace, much change, much maturity that needs to happen...


The Fullness of Peace

The end of Numbers chapter 6 records very specific words that God gave to Aaron and his sons to speak over the children of Israel. These words were not instructions but rather, they were words of confirmation, words of affirmation, words of love and words of peace. God said that these words would “put His...


Content With Sovereignty

I think that we sometimes underscore the difficulty of Moses’ early life. He was spared by the grace of God and the courage of his family. Taken as a grandson of Pharoah but also taught that he was a Hebrew, a child of God.  It seems as if Moses had no real place of fitting...


Pray to Build

Nehemiah was given an awesome task, to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. At every turn he was met with difficulty, with doubt and with opposition. Nehemiah teaches us a very valuable lesson; he met every difficulty with prayer. Before he went to the king with the burden of his heart he prayed. Before he proposed...



Transitions are often difficult. We spend time praying and even dreaming about the next open door but we often give little thought to the closed door that will precede it. In Revelation 3 Jesus declared that He holds the “key of David” which has all power not merely in the opening of doors but the...


Submit to Trust

Many of us have heard the word submit and immediately turned on our defenses. For some reason submission has become one of those concepts that we equate with weakness. Submission is not at all about one more powerful dominating a weaker vessel. The truth of submission is found in relationship, in trust and in love....