Due to a technical difficulty the audio for this weeks sermon is not available. Below are the notes: Straight Paths Isaiah 40:3-5 “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
Remove the Obstacles: Shame
After 40 years of wandering Israel finally crossed over the Jordan River and stepped foot into their “Promised Land”. The first thing that God told them to do at that point was to circumcise all of the men. This assignment was one that required a step of faith for Joshua and the entire community. They were...
From Here to There: Strength and Courage
We often talk about reaching crossroads in life, a moment in time in which we have to decide which way to go. There is another place of decision that many of us come to and that is when we can see where we are supposed to be, but we see it from a spot that we have become...
When God Challenges Our Faith
What do you do when God challenges your faith? In John 6 Jesus asked His disciples to trust Him in a manner that He had never asked before. With very little food and nowhere to buy more Jesus told His disciples to tell the crowd of at least 5,000 followers to sit down and prepare to...
Freed by the Truth
In John 8 Jesus said to those who believed in Him, “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” We here the last phrase quoted often, “The truth shall set you free”, but it seems to me that the emphasis of Jesus’ statement is not merely on the truth but our...
Jesus: Following Through Rejection
Jesus faced more rejection than anyone that ever walked the earth before or since. He was rejected by the religious, by leaders, by friends and neighbors, by His brothers and even one of His apostles. In the midst of all of this rejection He was constantly at peace in the perfect confidence that He was loved by...
Paul: Following Through Difficulty
There are times when life is difficult. I can’t think of anyone in Scripture that gives us a clearer example of not only the difficulty of life but also how to overcome that difficulty and follow Jesus fully. Paul tells us that he was shipwrecked three times, beaten with rods, stoned, beaten with lashes, put...
Peter: Following Through Failure
Scripture teaches us very plainly that we “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Viewing our stumbles, our weakness and our times of doubt as failure is a dangerous thing because it creates separation and isolation within us. During the Last Supper Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him three times...
Caleb: Following Through Disappointment
There was a recording difficulty this morning. Please go forward approximately 5 minutes to find where the recording of the sermon began. We all face disappointments in life. We have times in which our expectations are not met, in which the timing of God does not seem to line up with the timing we had hoped for...
Abraham: Following Through the Unknown
If Ruth taught us that following God through tragedy is all about love then Abraham teaches us that following through the unknown is all about trust! There will be many times in our lives in which we will be unsure of what comes next, the key to faith is learning that God is never in that...