Hebrews 1:1-2 “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son.” One of the fundamental truths that we must choose to believe so that God can build upon it in our lives is...
Category: <span>Sermons</span>
Content to be Thankful
While in prison for the gospel the Apostle Paul wrote, “I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content”. I believe that contentment is the true key to thanksgiving. If we are only thankful in response to circumstances that we view as pleasing then I am not sure if we are truly thankful...
Experiencing God: We have been invited
The third reality of Experiencing God is “God invites you to become involved with Him in His work.” Throughout Scripture we find God inviting men and women, nations and individuals to join Him, to trust Him, to follow Him and to be loved by Him. It seems that for as many invitations as God gives...
Experiencing God: Pursued by Love
In John 3:16 Jesus is famously quoted, “For God so loved the world that He gave . . .” The love of God has never been about a feeling, a desire or an emotion, God’s love has always been defined by action. He loved the world so much that He gave His Son. In His...
Experiencing God: Self-Centered or God-Centered?
No one has ever been more focused on God, His will and His ways than Jesus. He made it very clear that the Father was always at work and that His task as the Son was to simply watch, listen and obey (John 5). For us, the Body of Christ, to truly be available to...
Experiencing God: What is God’s Will?
I believe I receive more prayer requests pertaining to “being in God’s will” than any other single topic. It seems that many of us have taken the promise of purpose and turned it into a fear of somehow “missing God’s will”. The will of God is not a maze to be maneuvered or a mystery...
Experiencing God Introduction: Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Before we can consider knowing the will of God we must know God Himself. His heart, His character, His purposes and His ways all make up His will. Henry Blackaby, the author of the Experiencing God study writes, “Christianity is fundamentally an interactive relationship between God and people.” That interaction is built through a realization...
An Extravagant Reaction
There were many different reactions to the resurrection of Lazarus, some believed, some were amazed, some were confused and some were angry and threatened. The work of God is always this way, He moves and people react. The difficulty is when we try to anticpate the reaction. We all react according to what is in...
What’s in a Name?
In Exodus 3 Moses asked God an interesting question, “When I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?'” Somehow Moses knew that Israel, in their slavery and...
He Always Has More
The amazing thing about Jesus is that He is constantly showing us more of Himself. As we come to stages of our lives in which we are secure in Him, in what He has done for us, in who He is in our lives, He takes the initiative to show us even more of His...