No one has ever been more focused on God, His will and His ways than Jesus. He made it very clear that the Father was always at work and that His task as the Son was to simply watch, listen and obey (John 5). For us, the Body of Christ, to truly be available to be used for the fulfillment of God’s will in our lives, in our churches and in our communities we must be willing to watch God, to listen to His voice and to be willing to obey at all times.

Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Jesus embraced His calling as a servant. He humbled Himself by laying aside his rights in service to others. James White writes, “Service is a more precious thing in the Christian faith than personal rights.” The will of God for each of us is not that we live lives inconvenienced by servanthood but that we see every act of service as an opportunity to share the love, grace and mercy of God.The author of Hebrews tells us that Jesus “despised” the shame of the cross, meaning that He did not consider it, He did not give in to it, and He did not weigh it more heavily than the joy that He realized would come from obedience. Today as you are presented with opportunities to serve, do not consider how much it will cost or inconvenience you but rather consider the fact that God has entrusted Himself, His name and His presence to you and now, at this moment He has trusted you enough to put His will in your hands. We have a God that has completely set His affections upon us, may we now set our affection and our attention upon Him by serving Him and all those that He sets around us.