
Holy, Holy, Holy

Do you consider yourself holy? Why or why not? When considering holiness what is it that we are looking at? What makes us holy? I believe that the only way to consider holiness is to look directly at God. In Isaiah 6 and in Revelation 4 we are given glimpses into God’s throne room and...


New Thursday night prayer meeting and Children’s Church

We have changed the location for Thursday night prayer. Beginning this week, September 10th, the adults will be meeting at 7:10 PM at the LeBude’s home at 318 West Union Street and the children will be meeting at the Kulynych’s home at 945 Bordentown Rd. at 7:00 PM. CHILDREN’S CHURCH We are excited that along...


Day of Prayer for National Leaders

We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. This week we pray that: Father, I pray that our National Leaders will seek after You...


His Masterpiece

Ephesians 2:10 begins by stating “For we are God’s mastpiece.” This statement is often hard for many of us to believe or agree with. We are not trying to become masterpieces, we were as He desired us to be at our creation. Yes, there is much grace, much change, much maturity that needs to happen...


Thursday Night Prayer Walk at Burlington City Junior and High Schools

For the next five weeks we will be prayer walking every Thursday night at a different school in Burlington City. The children’s ministry will continue as usual at 325 Fernwood Ave. August 6th Samuel Smith School August 13th Wilbur Watts Intermediate School August 20th Captain James Lawrence School August 27th Elias Boudinot School; Pearl &...


Growth & Mixed Emotions

Today is the first day of school for our city. It has been a day of mixed emotions. My oldest son Noah started the fourth grade. This was the first time in his school career that the first day didn’t involve me as anything more than a taxi driver. Every year before today, the first...


Day of Prayer for National Leaders

We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. This week we pray that: Father,  I pray that our National Leaders will walk in truth,...


The Fullness of Peace

The end of Numbers chapter 6 records very specific words that God gave to Aaron and his sons to speak over the children of Israel. These words were not instructions but rather, they were words of confirmation, words of affirmation, words of love and words of peace. God said that these words would “put His...


Thursday Night Prayer Walk at Elias Boudinot Elementary School

For the next five weeks we will be prayer walking every Thursday night at a different school in Burlington City. The children’s ministry will continue as usual at 325 Fernwood Ave. August 6th Samuel Smith School August 13th Wilbur Watts Intermediate School August 20th Captain James Lawrence School August 27th Elias Boudinot School; Pearl &...


Content With Sovereignty

I think that we sometimes underscore the difficulty of Moses’ early life. He was spared by the grace of God and the courage of his family. Taken as a grandson of Pharoah but also taught that he was a Hebrew, a child of God.  It seems as if Moses had no real place of fitting...