This year we are again taking part in the Waymakers 40 Days of Focused Prayers of Biblical Hope called “Seek God for the City”. The 40 days runs from Ash Wednesday, March 1st, through Palm Sunday, April 9th. Seek God for the City is a prayer guide that provides a daily prayer and Scripture topic for the community, the nation and the nations of the world. It also provides weekly focuses and daily prayer walk ideas.

This is yet another way to pray corporately, with our own church as well as other churches in Burlington and across the nation, even when we are not able to physically be together.

Books are available, if you would like one please comment below or email Amanda, there is no charge and you do not have to be part of CORF to sign up for one. This is open to anyone who would like to join us in prayer. Books will be available for pick up next Sunday. If you would prefer a digital copy, there is an app available for iPhone, iPad and Android users, just type “Seek God for the City 2017” in the app store search bar, the app does cost 99 cents.

If you have any questions or would like a book, please email Amanda, [email protected]

Seek God for the City 2017