John chapter 2 closes with this incredible revelation about Jesus, “He knew what was in man”. Last week we closed our time together by talking about the beauty of being known. Being fully known by God isn’t something that should cause us to be afraid or ashamed…Being known means we are never alone. Being known means we are truly loved. Being known means that we are fully desired. It is important that we hold those three things close to our hearts as we discover, over the next few weeks, that being known also exposes our misunderstanding, error and brokenness. Being exposed is one of the most fearful things for humanity. From the moment we entered into sin we have been hiding from exposure. Adam and Eve covered themselves and hid in the trees, Abraham hid his marriage and gave his wife away, Moses hid on the other side of the desert, David had Uriah killed to hide his adultery, Nicodemus came to Jesus late at night, the woman at the well went to get water at the hottest part of the day. We hide so that we won’t be exposed, so that we won’t be known, but our hiding also keeps us from healing; being exposed to God, even being exposed by God is never for our destruction or humiliation, it is always for our healing and transformation. Jesus must show us what’s in our hearts so that He can give us what is in His. He must unwind our wrong beliefs, stubborn traditions and twisted doctrines so that He can teach us His true nature, character and love. We often come to Jesus like Nicodemus looking for affirmation of what we are already sure of but what Jesus offers us is the same thing He offered Nicodemus, transformation. Jesus doesn’t want us to change and He doesn’t just want to change us, He wants redeem and restore us, He wants to make us like Him so that we can be with Him, He wants us to be “born again”. This morning we are going to talk about that simple phrase. What does it mean to be born again? Maybe more importantly, what did Jesus mean when He said it to Nicodemus? Is that even what He said? And finally, what is Jesus saying to us? What is His knowledge of us exposing so that He can transform us, heal us and make us like Him?