

“The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them.” 1 John 4:4-5 (NIV) Another one of those most quoted passages of the New Testament with its powerful promise,...


Prayer Meeting: Monday, February 1st

On Monday, February 1st at 7:00 PM we will be having our prayer meeting on Zoom. An email will go out that day with the link to join, if you are not on our email list, but would like to receive the link, please let us know. If you have a prayer request, but are unable to join, please let...



“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are.” 1 John 3:1 Good afternoon CORF, What a comforting verse this is to us who are in Christ. We’re more than saved. We’re more than Christians. The Father has...



We pray that as we as a church have been getting back into the swing of our schedule, that you have been able to find moments of rest and moments to just sit in the presence of Christ. This Saturday we will be continuing in our “We” sermon series and hear from Abie and Joanne...


CORF Online Merch Store

We now have our own online merch store! You can get your very own CORF hoodies, masks, shirts, sweaters, and more using the link below. Each item and our new church logo were designed by our dear friend Roger of Roger Dat Design and 100% of proceeds go towards supporting his missionary work in North...


Connections Women’s Group: Tuesday, January 5th

Ladies! Please join us on Tuesday, January 5th, at 7:00 PM on the CORF FB as we go live for Connections. Melissa will be sharing some words of encouragement with us so be sure to mark your calendars and invite your friends to tune in as well. 


Prayer Meeting: Monday, January 4th

On Monday, January 4th at 7:00 PM we will be having our prayer meeting on Zoom. An email will go out that day with the link to join, if you are not on our email list, but would like to receive the link, please let us know. If you have a prayer request, but are...


All Virtual Saturday, January 2nd

Just a reminder we will once again be all virtual for our Saturday night worship service on January 2nd. Join us as we go live on our CORF FB page at 5:30pm. Or catch the replay on Facebook and YouTube at 10am on Sunday.



This is it, our last video update of the year 2020. As different as this year has been, believe it or not, this has also been our most productive year to date because of your devotion and God’s faithfulness toward us. Thank God for 2020! In the new year, we’re kicking it off with a...


CORF Online Merch Store

We now have our own online merch store! You can get your very own CORF hoodies, masks, shirts, sweaters, and more using the link below. Each item and our new church logo were designed by our dear friend Roger of Roger Dat Design and 100% of proceeds go towards supporting his missionary work in North...