On Wednesday, March 9th at 7:00 PM we will continue our monthly Concert of Prayer with First Baptist Church in Burlington. This month our focus will be praying for revival, in our community of the City of Burlington, our nation and the all the nations of the earth. Don and Lynn Graves, missionaries in China, will be with us to lead our missions focus of the evening.

A concert of prayer is very simply a time of structured corporate prayer that follows the same path that Jesus instructed the disciples to take as witnesses: Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. How this is translated is by praying for our churches, our community, our nation and missions to the nations of the world. This is an opportunity for us to gather with other believers in Burlington to pray together that God would pour out His Spirit, His heart and His Word both to and from this community. This meeting is held in the FBC chapel area, use the side door on Stacy Street rather than the main doors on Broad Street. If you need further information you can email abie@cityofrefugefellowship.org

It is our hope to make this prayer gathering a monthly event that many churches in Burlington can join in together, seeking God’s heart and hearing God’s voice as one body.