
Patient and Kind?

As the father of two young boys I find myself saying, “Be patient” quite often. Whether it is a desperate need to get shoes tied to go outside, to have a channel changed because the current program is not a “favorite” or to get the next snack on the table before someone passes out from...


Day of Prayer for National Leaders

We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Father, I pray that our National Leaders will walk in truth, integrity and faithfulness and that...


The Kindness of God

I Corinthians 13:4 says “Love suffers long and is kind.” There is a correlation between patience and kindness, they work with each other, almost for each other. It is nearly impossible to be patient out of obligation, out of fear or selfishness, guilt or ambition. Patience is one of those things that does not appear...


Day of Prayer for National Leaders

We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Father, I pray that our National Leaders will walk in truth, integrity and faithfulness and that...


“Love Suffers Long”

One of God’s greatest attributes is that He is longsuffering. He announced this to Moses in Exodus 34 and then simply proved it over and over through Scripture and His activity in each of our lives. Longsuffering is much more than being willing to wait, John Reisinger writes, “Longsuffering is the ability to endure everything...


Community Worship Night: Friday, September 10th

Friday night, September 10th,  is our next Community Worship Night. We will be meeting at the Knights of Columbus, located at 366 East Broad Street at 7:00 for a time of corporate worship. Please come out and bring a friend with you to pour out our hearts in worship, love and thanksgiving for the extravagant, merciful goodness...


Day of Prayer for National Leaders

We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Our National Leaders will humble themselves under God’s mighty hand, and seek Him with all their...


Endure to Prevail

When Jesus first introduced the church in Matthew 16:18 He also made us three promises about the church. The church would be built by Him; the church would belong to Him and the church would not be overcome by the power of hell. These promises are for the Body of Christ at large, but I...


Day of Prayer for National Leaders

We have set aside every Tuesday as a day of prayer for our National leaders: President Obama, the Senate and the Congress. Each week we present a specific focus, birthed from Scripture, that we can agree and pray together. Father, I pray that our National Leaders would diligently obey Your voice, to observe carefully all...


God is for us!

There are times in our lives in which God creates opportunities for us to trust and depend upon Him in greater measures than ever before. The difficulty we face during these times is that they often appear to us as times of difficulty or even despair. I believe that Elijah endured situations just like this. After announcing...