Today is Pentecost Sunday. It was on Pentecost, more than 2,000 years ago that the Holy Spirit was poured out, that He came to dwell in and baptize the first 120 followers of Jesus and birth the church. I did not believe there was a better time to begin a sermon series to study the Holy Spirit than today when we celebrate what is probably His most famous work. Over these next 7 weeks my hope and my prayer is that we will journey together into a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit, that we will see Him as a person rather than a power, that we will learn to understand and appreciate His very important purpose within the Godhead and in our lives and that we will learn to trust, follow and obey His plans. In these 7 weeks we are going to look closely at the things that Jesus said about the Holy Spirit, about who He is, what He does and who He does it for. We are going to study His character and His personality, we are going to study what He desires for us and what He requires from us and we are going to study very carefully why He does everything that He does. The Father loves and cares for us. The Son made a way for us, ransomed Himself for us and ever makes intercession for us. The Holy Spirit lives in us, speaks to us and bears witness with us. In learning about the person of the Holy Spirit we get to see very clearly the perfection of the Godhead, we get to see clearly what Moses told Israel so long ago “Hear O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one.” By learning about the Holy Spirit we will not be dividing God into parts we will see the unity of Him within Himself, we will get to see what James wrote “there is no shadow of turning in Him” and I pray we will begin to see for ourselves and within ourselves the actual, tangible, literal reality that if we are in Christ then the Holy Spirit of God is in us. We begin this series today by pointing to the moment that the church experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit for the first time and turning our attention from the experience they had to the person they met. I am sure I will repeat this many times over the next 7 weeks, but today we begin with the truth that I feel is the absolute most important in this study and what will be the foundation for everything we learn, the Holy Spirit is a person and He desires, first and foremost, a relationship  with us.