
Mark Bible Study: Mark 8:22-30 “A Gradual Confession”

The boat ride to Bethsaida must have been a tense one. Jesus shared His heart and His concern with the disciples but they were so caught up in their current circumstances that they completely missed the point of what He was sharing. “Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of...

September 4, 2014September 4, 2014by

Book Of Mark Study, Wednesday, September 17th 7:00 PM

In addition to studying the Sermon on the Mount on Sundays, we are studying the book of Mark at Wednesday night Bible study. The plan is to study Jesus’s teaching about the Kingdom of God and Jesus’s life that lived out the Kingdom at the same time. In this way we believe that we will...

September 4, 2014September 4, 2014by

Sermon on the Mount: Why Do We Pray?

Matthew 7:7-11 For the next few weeks we are going to talk about these five verses. Jesus turns our attention once again to prayer in the Sermon on the Mount, although I think it can be argued that He never turned our attention away from prayer. Since telling us how not to pray in chapter...

September 1, 2014September 1, 2014by
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