“We Belong to Each Other,” John 21:15-19

The last two weeks we’ve been talking about the role of fellowship in freedom and in healing. James says in chapter 5 verse 16 of his letter that we as believers in Jesus, as the church, we are to confess our sins to each other and pray for each other and we will be healed. Paul told us through the Galatians that we are to bear each other’s burdens and in doing so we will fulfill the law of Christ. The short version of this being there are certain things you can do yourself so God has put in your life those who can do it with you. Not those who can do it for you, but those who can do it with you. We don’t have to get to any of our paths alone. We are called to confess our sins to each other and we are called to share our burdens with each other. But as Romans 12 teaches us, we are one body with many members and each part of the body belongs to all the others. That means that when we come into Christ, we also come into the church. We come into fellowship with each other and now my life is not my own. I was bought with a price, but I don’t just belong to Jesus, I also belong to you because “We Belong to Each Other” as the church. 

In this week’s sermon, Pastor Abie Kulynych teaches us what biblical belonging looks like.

We Belong to Each Other | John 21:15-19
We Belong to Each Other | John 21:15-19