Yesterday our prayer pastor, Geannine LeBude, was our speaker. Below is an introduction to her sermon. I pray that we will grow in our longing for a deeper intimate relationship with God and that we will be overwhelmed by the love shown by the bride and Bridegroom.

Song has two main sections. Chapters 1-4 focus on receiving our inheritance in God. Chapters 5-8 focus on God receiving His inheritance in us.

 The theme of the Song of Solomon is the Bride’s spiritual journey to be drawn near to Jesus in intimacy and then to run in deep partnership with Him in ministry. She matures in these two realities as she experiences the kisses of God’s word touching her heart.

 The bride knows that she desires more from her relationship with Jesus and she prophetically declares her journey. She will be touched in the depths of her heart by His Word. His word will cause nothing else to satisfy her heart and cause her to ask Him to draw her away. Because His love has transformed her heart she will now be concerned with what is on His heart and declare we will follow after you.

 As the books progresses you begin to see the testing and trails she endures in order to follow her Bridegroom. He challenges her to move past the comforts of His presence and join Him in His sufferings. She is often misunderstood and even berated by the people of God. The daughters of Jerusalem do not understand her devotion and single heartiness for Jesus. They are often questioning her motives and what she sees and feels. She looks past their immaturity and lack of understanding and charges them “O daughters of Jerusalem, If you find my beloved, tell him I am lovesick!” She no longer cares about her reputation, her comfort or her image she is lovesick and she is searching for her Beloved.