“The Gift of Prayer: What Are We Asking For?,” Luke 11:13

Last week pastor Abie Kulynych taught us that, “God gives us Himself.” This truth is predominant in today’s message. God created us to be in fellowship with Him and redemption is all about restoring that fellowship. We have a tendency to make salvation about sin. We talk about being sinners and then being saved. We make it seem that sin is the reason that salvation was provided. But salvation is about fellowship. Salvation is about God’s desire to be in relationship with us. In truth, the only part that sin plays in our salvation is that it’s an obstacle, it’s in the way and no more than that. 

In this week’s sermon, pastor Abie Kulynych reminds us that not only God gives us Himself out of His love, but that Jesus Is Enough. So the question is, “What Are We Asking For?”

The Gift of Prayer: What Are We Asking For? | Luke 11:13
The Gift of Prayer: What Are We Asking For? | Luke 11:13