Our last time together we closed out Mark 5 with the raising of Jairus’ daughter form the dead, that ended a section of Scripture in which Mark showed us Jesus’ authority over nature, over evil, over sickness and over death with one miracle after another. In each of the instances those watching and those being delivered from captivity had an opportunity to see Jesus as the Son of God, to see His identity as the Messiah. Mark now seems to be taking a turn in the story, he takes us from what must have felt like elation to what will be confusing and painful to read, Jesus goes from being sought out by those in desperation to being despised and even threatened by those that have known Him the longest. In our passage we find several very important and famous statements. Jesus said to those that had known Him the longest “a prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.” Mark then writes “He could do no mighty work there” and then tells us that Jesus “marveled because of their unbelief”. Jesus had earlier told the woman with the issue of blood “your faith has made you well” and Mark now tells us that the lack of faith in Nazareth has kept Jesus from doing what He desired. In this section of chapter 6 we will see the reality of rejection, the power of being offended and the need for faith.