Tonight we get back into Mark 5. We left off with Jesus’ deliverance of the man possessed by a legion of demons in the land of the Gadarenes. This was the second miracle of this passage that began in Mark 4:35. First, Jesus calmed a life-threatening storm revealing His power over nature, then He delivered the demon possessed man revealing His power over evil tonight we will begin to see His power over disease and then over even death itself. I want to go back to a quote from Michael Card that we have used several times already in this passage, “Each individual described in Mark 5 is being held captive: one by demons, one by disease and one by death.” There is something else that all three of these people have in common, something that goes along with captivity, they are all in hopeless places. In each instance everyone else has given up. The demoniac was left to live in the tombs and roam the mountains naked and insane. We will see Jairus next, a man that that comes on behalf of his dying daughter; there is nothing left for anyone to do for her. Then we will see a woman that has hemorrhaged for 12 years, she has been not only ill but apparently mistreated by doctors and now destitute. Each person described has come to the end of their hope and yet, each person on this passage has one final thing in common, they came to Jesus. The demon possessed man saw Jesus “from afar” and ran to Him, falling at His feet in worship. Jairus saw Jesus and “fell at His feet and begged Him earnestly”, the woman with the issue of blood “heard about Jesus” and pushed her way close enough to touch the hem of His garment. Each of them was hopeless but each of them chose to defy their circumstances and put their hope in Jesus. We sing about it, we talk about it, we have made a nice saying of it but in this passage of Scripture we find, above all else that Jesus truly is the “Hope for the Hopeless.”