In the book of John there are seven miracles of Jesus that John calls “signs”. These are miracles that point to Jesus’ identity as the Messiah and reveal His glory as the Son of God. We are going to spend the next seven weeks going through these “signs” one by one to see Jesus more clearly. Too often when we read Scripture we read it for ourselves. We search it to see how we fit, to find the answers to our questions and the road to our destiny, but Scripture was not written so we could see ourselves more clearly it was written to reveal Jesus, to show Him in all of His glory and power and so that we could decrease by increasing in our vision of Him.

Our fourth message in this series comes from John 6:1-14 and is the sign of Jesus’ feeding the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish. In this message we concentrate on three places where Jesus’ glory is seen:

1. Jesus’ tests in our lives are not arbitrary or harmful, they are glorious for revealing His person and His love.

2. Jesus’ hands are not rough or impatient, they are glorious in that they take all that we have and turn it into all that He desires to use.

3. Jesus’ concern is not only with what we call big or important, He is concerned with every fragment, every tear, every loss and every gain. His concern is glorious and He will not allow even one step of our path to be wasted.