Matthew 6:25-34

This week we concluded our series on anxiety Matthew 6:25-34 by focusing on Matthew 6:32-34. We have been studying that anxiety will ask questions that we cannot answer and tries to convince us to take responsibility for things we are not responsible for. Jesus reveals to us that we are not condemned for worrying, but that God is trying to set us free from worry. Worrying is not our issue, but our enemy that we need to tackle by learning who Jesus is and that He values us. Through this section Jesus reveals that we have a heavenly Father who cares for us and that we can trust God with out lives. We have a heavenly father that has promised to care for us. This week we see that Jesus brings everything to a conclusion and reveals to us why anxiety comes in the first place which is to keep us from becoming who God created us to be. God knows us and want us to know Him and continually seek after him. But we cannot seek with our hands what we have not first thought without hearts. If we do not believe that God knows us and cares for us, then anxiety will have control. But if we believe that He knows us and will be for us in every place we go then we no longer focus on ourselves, but God, and anxiety has no hold when we our focused on God.