The greatest battles of our lives are found in our minds. We have a tendency to attempt to focus on the exterior rather than the interior. We attempt to change habits and behavior without allowing God to show us the reality of what is going on in our hearts and our minds. True change, in fact, transformation happens in our minds.

II Corinthians 10:5 tells us that we have the power to destroy the lies of the enemy by taking our thoughts captive. Reality is that we can not always control what thoughts enter our minds but I believe we have complete control over whether or not those thoughts take control of our minds. The Apostle Paul tells us that there are arguments and pretenses that are constantly being spoken to and over us that are attempting to attack “the knowledge of God”; they are lies about God, lies about His love, His character, His goodness and His promises and plans. Day in and day out we are given tools to take those thoughts captive and be in control of our thoughts or we can give those thoughts room to grow and they end up taking control of us.

Philippians 4:6-7 says “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” If peace is a guard then anxiety is a thief. We have to take control of our minds and understand that our thoughts of worry, of fear, of doubt, of discouragement and of anxiety are attempts to rob us of the truth of God’s character, God’s love and God’s purposes. Paul is very clear as to how we combat these thoughts, through prayer. Every thought is to be taken to God in prayer, every moment of indecision, of lacking understanding and of feeling overwhelmed are to be objects of prayer. Prayer creates peace and peace guards our hearts and our minds. To protect our minds we must become people of prayer!

This place of prayer will not only create peace but it will also reveal the enormous love of God. Paul prayed in Ephesians 3 that we may have the power to grasp the love of Christ. When I know that God loves me, when His love becomes my first thought, then every thought that objects to God’s love becomes easily recognized as a lie. There is something powerful that happens when we have the power to be confident in God’s love. When I know God loves me I never fear His rejection, I never fear defeat, I never worry about outcomes and I never have to take my life back into my own hands.

If you are struggling today with fear, doubt, anxiety, discouragement or any other negative emotion, take your thoughts captive! Take your mind to God in prayer and allow Him to provide peace that leads to the revelation of His love. “Perfect love casts out all fear.” Peace comes when love is realized. I pray today that our lives of prayer would provide the peace that comes from living in the reality of God’s great and everlasting love.