Today I had the opportunity to share some thoughts inspired by my recent trip to General Santos, Philippines. While I was away I preached 18 times in 7 days. I was involved in some exciting and emotional ministry opportunities: a conference for tribal church pastors and leaders, visiting newly planted churches, preaching on the radio and traveling to the mountains. In all of this what impacted me the most, what I most enjoyed and what I most look forward to about going back to General Santos was and is the people. Sometimes I fear that we have become so purpose driven and destiny determined that we have forgotten that “God wills that none would perish”, meaning that God’s will for our lives is always that we love God by loving people, that we love people in a way in which God’s love is revealed to them so that it can then be lavished upon them. The first and the second commandments are attached to each other, they don’t exist without each other and they can’t be fulfilled individually. The only way to love God with all of our heart, soul and strength is to love our neighbors as ourselves and the only way to truly love our neighbors is to love God with all of our heart, soul and strength. Today we talked about the life of Barnabas and my prayer is that from his life we will see clearly that our calling is to love and serve God by loving and serving people.