Our last time together we moved from Jesus’ miraculous feeding of the 4,000 into His confrontation with the Pharisees in which they asked Him for a sign, a miracle that they could use as proof that He was indeed sent from God. Mark’s language revealed that the Pharisees were not sincere in their request, they were not seeking for truth they were arguing, they were diminishing everything they had seen and heard from Jesus and demanding that He do what they wanted when they wanted it done before they would give Him any credence. Very bluntly, they wanted to stay in control of their faith or lack thereof, the demand for control, an unwillingness to trust anyone else and also to want everyone and everything to follow our pattern is always a sign of unrepentant prideful hearts. Humility secedes control while pride demands it, manipulates for it and will even use deceit to gain or maintain it. Jesus rejected the Pharisees demand, sighed deeply from His spirit and simply said “no sign shall be given to this generation.” Our text tonight begins with Jesus and the disciples getting back into their boat (apparently quickly and unexpectedly for the disciples) to once again cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Along the way Jesus uses the time to teach the apostles by revealing the concern and even distress of His heart, as we all sometimes do, they ended up being so focused on their circumstances that they missed Jesus’ heart. I pray that we will learn tonight that not everything God does and says is about us and what we are going through, sometimes God wants to simply share His heart with us which requires us to be less caught up in ourselves so that we can join in with Him, His work, His intercession, His desire and His will. The yeast of the Pharisees and Herod had nothing to do with the disciples lack of bread but everything with Jesus’ concern for their souls.