Tonight we see the final two questions of chapter 12, one asked of Jesus and then a final question asked by Jesus. The chapter then ends with a scene of sincerity, love and trust, the exact opposite of all the earlier scenes filled with questions, traps and an unwavering grasp on personal reputation and opinion. The one thing that is carefully woven through this passage is the reality that love is what we have been given by God and it is what God longs for from us: love in the form of relationship, obedience, trust and humility. He longs for love for Himself and love for each other, He desires that we see how great His love has been for us and overflow back toward Him and all those that surround us. Whether it’s the “greatest commandment”, the second commandment or giving in the offering at the Temple Jesus’ lesson is that if His character is love then love must be our desire, our motivation and our action at all times and in all thing. In the midst of this wonderful teaching on love Jesus does something He had not done publicly before, He reveals the divinity of the Messiah. Israel was waiting for a man to come from the line of David to bring back “the good old days” but Jesus revealed that the Messiah would be a son sent from God to establish a new day.