Tonight we will move into Mark 10, a chapter that shows Jesus moving toward Jerusalem, to the fulfillment of His earthly purpose in death and resurrection and His final preparation of His followers to take up their cross and to follow Him. In tonight’s passage Jesus is tested by those looking to find fault in Him and He, in the midst of this testing turns our attention back to the character of His Father and reveals the condition of our hearts. This was Jesus’ constant work on earth, He always pointed to His Father and revealed our hearts because that is the dual work of Salvation, without seeing God’s character we cannot ever trust His goodness and love and without seeing our flawed nature we cannot ever surrender and submit to His conviction, forgiveness and redemption. Jesus did so little to exalt Himself but was constantly exalting His Father. That is the nature of God: the Father, the Son and the Spirit, in perfect unity, perfect love and perfect submission constantly glorify one another; there is no jealousy or pride in them which is why there is no division or insecurity in them either. Jesus, in this passage tonight, answers the testing of the Pharisees by revealing the unity of God’s character, God’s purpose and God’s desire. We will be talking about marriage and divorce but more than anything Jesus uses marriage and divorce to reveal the way God loves and the love God desires in us, love that does not seek to exalt itself above another and love that chooses to endure because the reward of endurance is far greater than the difficulty of the trials we have to endure.