Last week we saw how Jesus met the woman, at the well, in her brokenness. He was not there to expose her sins, but to reveal the broken places of her heart so that He could bring healing. He wanted her to know that her story mattered to Him. He wanted this woman, who had faced constant rejection, to know that she was known and loved by Him. That mattered to Him. Jesus knew her heart and when He told her to “go get your husband” He was not saying I need you to acknowledge how sinful you are; He was saying I need you to know how gracious I desire to be. When Jesus calls her out, He is calling out her brokenness, not her sinfulness. John 3:16 shows us God’s character and what we find out is that Jesus was not sent because of our sinfulness, but because of God’s great love which means that when Jesus came, He do not come to point out our sin, but to reveal God’s love. There is a difference. To see your sin and not know God’s love is to be condemned. To see God’s love and in it recognize our sin, is to have an opportunity for redemption. It is not about getting people to see their sin so that they can then see God, but about people seeing God and then recognizing their sin. Jesus came to this woman and told her to go get her husband, not to harm her, but to show her grace and mercy. He had a conversation with her so that she could come to know Him and know that she could trust Him with her story, her heart. This morning I pray that we would see that God cares about our stories, not just about our circumstances. And that we would see that our job is to reveal how good God is, not how wrong men are. We have a God who seeks after us. We are trying to get people to embrace God, when He is trying to embrace them. He seeks us out in the midst of everything. Circumstances do not change His character. God only reveals what He wants to heal and we cannot be redeemed unless we deal with what is hidden.