
Book of Hebrews Study, Wednesday, October 3rd, 7:00 PM.

For the rest of 2012 we will be studying the book of Hebrews, verse by verse. Our next class will be Wednesday, October 3rd and we will be covering chapters 9:16-10:10. The class will meet every other Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:15 at the Kulynych’s home at 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. If you have any...

September 24, 2012September 24, 2012by

Children’s 4/14 Prayer Meeting, Monday, October 1st, 7:00 PM

The next monthly children’s prayer meeting for ages 4-14 is this coming Monday, October 1st. This prayer meeting will be held at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. on the first Monday night of each month from 7:00-8:00. This will be a time for our children to dig deep into God’s presence, to develop their own...

September 24, 2012September 24, 2012by

September’s Prayer Focus is Now Online

Each week at City of Refuge Fellowship we are given a prayer focus with specific needs to uphold but also with very focused points of prayer, fasting and lifestyle. The most important and productive part of this tool is that with each focus we are given Scriptures to use in prayer and in meditation. These...


House of Prayer, Friday, September 14th, 7:00 PM.

God has given us a vision for the planting of a House of Prayer in Burlington City, a place where worship and prayer would never cease and where God would be constantly glorified for His greatness, His beauty and His great love. The House of Prayer is not a place for needs to be poured...

September 4, 2012November 8, 2018by

Children’s 4/14 Prayer Meeting, Monday, September 10th, 7:00 PM.

The next monthly children’s prayer meeting for ages 4-14 is this coming Monday, September 10th. This prayer meeting will be held at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. on the first Monday night of each month from 7:00-8:00. This will be a time for our children to dig deep into God’s presence, to develop their own...

September 4, 2012September 4, 2012by

Book of Hebrews Study, Wednesday, September 5th, 7:00 PM

For the rest of 2012 we will be studying the book of Hebrews, verse by verse. Our next class will be Wednesday, September 5th and we will be covering chapters 8:7-9:15. The class will meet every other Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:15 at the Kulynych’s home at 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. If you have...

September 4, 2012September 4, 2012by

Baptism Service

We will have a Baptism Service directly following the morning service. The baptism will take place at Anna and Joe Pennise’s house (532 Wood St., Burlington). Please email or speak with Abie if you would like to be baptized.

August 20, 2012November 8, 2018by

Book of Hebrews Study, Wednesday, August 22nd, 7:00 PM.

For the rest of 2012 we will be studying the book of Hebrews, verse by verse. Our next class will be Wednesday, August 22nd and we will be covering chapters 7:20- 8:6. The class will meet every other Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:15 at the Kulynych’s home at 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington. If you have any...

August 20, 2012August 20, 2012by

Kid’s Day Video

Thank you for all of your help, support and prayers for Kid’s Day. This year we had such an incredible outpouring of volunteer help and the day turned out to be an incredible blessing. The forecast was for possible thunderstorms all day but God blessed us with a beautiful day without a drop of rain....