This morning our speaker was our worship leader, Ezequias Lamarche.

All things start and finish with God’s Word; we want the knowledge and revelation of who our God, our savior is, so that we can walk in His nature. God is not calling us to be mimickers, those who just copy, but He desires for us to be assimilators, those who have a full understanding. We were created in His image so that we would be those who reflect His character; It is our desire to know who God truly is so that we can then impart that knowledge to those who seek Him. We need to compare the places of our heart to God’s so that can see the places where we are ignorant and the places we are innocent. And He is revealed when we are ready to receive and then God’s nature becomes the stepping stones for our lives. This morning we will spend some time looking at what it means to assimilate God’s nature as we pursue holiness. Holiness is to be free of guilt even after having seen it all. To have no envy, lust, hate, or anger after having been through it all. Knowledge and revelation is not revealed in gardens, but the full revelation of God is when we come out of places of insecurities or difficulties, that is when we know who are savior is and when we can grasp the goodness of God.