This morning our youth pastor, Amanda Mackie, was our speaker. Below is an introduction to her sermon and the audio recording.

On the wall, next to my bed I have a sign that the Kulynychs had made for my birthday and it says this “You were born to blaze new trails. Pioneer great adventures. Reclaim new territory. Take daring risks. You were born to tell an original story. Be God strong and foolishly courageous. Let faith not fear be your compass. Truth not lies be your guide. Always remember to give God room to prove Himself. You were born for such a time as this.” And there have been many moments when I have just stopped in front of this sign and read it over and over to myself, reminding myself of its message, but really reminding myself of all the promises God has spoken to my heart, all the ways I have experienced Him so far, and who He has called me to be. And these are not always moments of great joy that I find myself stopped by this sign, but moments of doubt, fear, or worry. Moments when I know that God wants me to keep going forward and I know His promises for the outcome, but I cannot see the path. Moments when it seems like all the other voices are saying “go back” or “stay still”, but that voice of God is still saying “go”. And then I get to the words “for such a time as this” and in a moment, those fears, doubts, and worries no longer seem so loud. And that is where we find ourselves this morning, with this verse in Esther, and I pray that this morning that we would all be reminded of who our God is and how He has and is positioning us.