
Blog: “Where does your help come from?” (Veronica Y. Brayboy)

Veronica Y. Brayboy is part of our City of Refuge Fellowship family and each month she will be sharing her heart on our website blog. Below is her blog post titled “Where does your help come from?” “I just don’t know how we are going to survive?”, “This country is going to be destroyed now!”...

June 13, 2017June 13, 2017by

Prayer Meeting, Monday, June 19th, 7:00 PM

Our next prayer meeting will be on Monday, June 19th at 7:00 PM. This is a time to pray with and for each other, to share needs that we would like to have prayerful support in and to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to pray both in the Spirit and with understanding as...

June 10, 2017June 10, 2017by

Prayer Watch for Abie’s Philippines Trip: June 7th-June 18th

Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the prayer watch! Abie is now on his way to the Philippines and this week is now completely covered in prayer! And the night watch is completely covered for the entire trip which is a blessing since, because of the time difference (12 hours ahead), our...

June 8, 2017June 8, 2017by

John 4:1-4 “Difficult People and Difficult Places” 

You can learn a lot about who someone is by watching how they interact with others. The Gospel of John is largely the revelation of Jesus’ identity and character through the stories of His interaction with the people around Him. While Matthew, Mark and Luke tell the story of Jesus in hopes that the events...

June 4, 2017June 4, 2017by

Burlington House Of Prayer, Monday, June 9th, 7:00 PM

Our next Burlington House of Prayer gathering will be on Friday, June 9th at 7:00 PM at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Road in Burlington. Our House of Prayer gatherings are times to gather in God’s presence, worship and respond to God’s heart through prayer and the reading of Scripture, to let the Holy Spirit...

June 4, 2017June 4, 2017by
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