Upcoming January Small Groups

Gospel Project Small Group
The next Gospel Project Small Group will begin on January 4th at the Ireland’s. The Gospel Project takes men and women on a chronological, Christ-centered journey through the storyline of Scripture. Butch will be facilitating this second section of this curriculum called “Out of Egypt”, a 13 week study that shows how God raised up a deliverer to lead His people out of slavery, just as one day He would send His Deliverer to redeem His people from slavery to sin and death. Having received God’s Ten Commandments, the Israelites wasted no time in breaking them. But faithful to His promises, the Lord provided the place and the means by which His sinful people could find atonement for their sins and worship Him. Ultimately, however, true atonement is found only in the sacrifice of Jesus.

This small group will meet every Saturday night starting January 4th at 7:00 PM, for 13 weeks, at the Ireland’s, 237 W Union Street in Burlington. If you have any questions or want to sign up please email Butch and Donna, [email protected] (children are welcome).

Discipleship Small Group
In January we are going to begin a new discipleship small group. Before Jesus ascended into heaven He gave the apostles the great commission to go into all the world and make disciples. While we attempt to take that as our calling, we often miss the fact that Jesus had taken three years to make these men into disciples before He called them to go and do it in others. Before we can make disciples, we must be disciples. This group will focus on what it means to be a disciple. Through a combination of small group meeting, personal study and individual fellowship/mentorship, we aim to learn how to become like Jesus by focusing on what Jesus showed as the four essentials of His life: the Word of God, the presence of God through prayer, the people of God through fellowship and fasting. If you have struggled to know Jesus, to follow Jesus or to connect with the church, this might be a great opportunity for you. If you are interested in finding out more or if you are ready to sign up please email Abie in the next two weeks so that we can begin planning the best timing for the group. [email protected]