All sin starts at one basic point, a well-crafted lie. Jesus said that Satan was teh “father of lies”, He even went as far as to say that “when he lies he speaks his native language.” Satan has been lying since he started tempting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. His lie then was very similar to his lie now, he wants to convince you and I that what we lack is better than what we have been given. In a garden filled with trees “pleasant to the sight and good for food” Satan was able to cause Adam and Eve to put their attention on the one tree that God had told them not to eat from. He desires to change our focus and attention from being grateful for the abundance of life to being consumed with why we can’t have what we seem to believe we lack. Concentrating on lack opens the door of disobedience. It allows us to listen to and believe lies about God’s character, His love and our created purpose. The deception of sin breaks relationships, it breaks our relationship with God, with each other and with creation and it even desires to move us from our God-created position. I pray today that we will recognize the lies of the enemy, reject sin and the deception that it thrives upon and walk in the fullness of the redemption that Jesus has purchase. We may still be battered by temptation, but we are no longer bound by sin. Jesus destroyed sin’s power, we ar free to live in redeemed relationship with God, with each other, and with creation in the exact position that God created for us. Concentrate on the Truth which is Jesus and allow the deception of sin to remain powerless; the Truth will set you free!