“Rebuked to Remember” Luke 24:1-9

The Cross is the great equalizer, we all stand together equal in our sin, God’s love and the opportunity to be redeemed and adopted into His family. What good is having our debt paid if our lives aren’t changed? What good is forgiveness if we keep walking in the same behaviors? Why offer freedom to those who choose to continue living in slavery? Some of us cannot be resurrected because we won’t let Him kill the way we have been living. AW Tozer said, “If we are not changed by grace then we are not saved by grace”. Are we being changed by the death and resurrection of Jesus? In our passage today we hear a question from the angels, one that we tend to run pass, but one that was meant to remind the women of something they should have remembered from the beginning: “Why do you look for the living among the dead? This morning I pray that we would be willing to give God the room to challenge us and change us so that He can finally start using us.