In Philippians 1:12-18 Paul shares with the church at Philippi that his time in prison has been used by God for the expansion of the gospel. He has had the opportunity to share the truth with all of the palace guard, even those that are chained to him each day have come to see that his imprisonment has been for the glory of God. He then writes something very important, his chains have created new boldness and courage in the rest of the Body of Christ. Paul’s joyful response to his difficult cirumstances have filled the rest of the church with courage instead of fear. I believe that joyful people become courageous people and joyful people inspire courage in the lives of others. Today, I encouage you to seek joy in all circumstances. No matter your difficulty or struggle, as you listen to today’s message pray for joy, look for joy and choose joy. The reality is that joy is not caused by circumstances it is the result of a relationship with God. My identity in Christ, His love making me His possession and knowing that He has created me for a purpose gives me joy in all circumstances and thanksgiving in all things. If we will choose joy we will create courage and in courage we can live in full obedience to every opportunity that God will ever set before us.