
Building Tour and Prayer, Sunday, November 1st After Morning Service

On Sunday, November 1st, after the morning service we will be touring and praying together at our building at 35 West Broad Street in Burlington. A construction team has been cleaning out and preparing the building for renovation for the last few weeks. The process will be complete and the building will be cleaned out...


Book of Mark Bible Study, Wednesday, October 21st

Our book of Mark Bible Study resumes, Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00 PM. We will be picking up at Mark 13:1-13, Jesus’ prophesy of the destruction of the temple and His teaching about the signs of when these things would be fulfilled. Mark 13 is filled with prophetic signs and teaching, we will work to understand those...


Concert of Prayer, Wednesday, October 14th, 7:00pm

On Wednesday night, October 14th, at 7:00 we will be joining with First Baptist Church on Broad and Stacy Streets in Burlington in a concert of prayer. A concert of prayer is very simply a time of structured corporate prayer that follows the same path that Jesus instructed the disciples to take as witnesses: Jerusalem,...

September 28, 2015November 8, 2018by

Bible Reading Plan/ October Calendar

The October calendar is now available on the side table at church or if you would like a copy emailed to you please email Amanda at [email protected] . The events calendars for the rest of the year will contain a new Bible reading plan. Starting in October we will be reading the Epistles which will...

September 28, 2015September 28, 2015by

Prayer Meeting, Monday, September 28, 7:00pm

On Monday, September 25th we will be hosting a time to pray with and for each other. This will be prayer time that is simply a time to bring our needs and concerns and to pray with and for each other however the Holy Spirit will lead. The plan is to gather from 7:00-8:00, to...

September 28, 2015September 28, 2015by

Conversation Around the Word, Sunday, October 4th

We will be having our next “Conversation Around the Word” on Sunday October 4th during the morning service. This conversation will center around Acts 10, Peter’s vision and God’s first outpouring of salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles. Study guides are available and if you would like a copy emailed...

September 27, 2015September 27, 2015by

Prayer Meeting, Philippines Missions Trip, Monday, September 21, 7:00 PM

Abie has been invited to speak at The Church Planting Institute (CPI) in General Santos, Philippines from September 28th to October 2nd. CPI is a six month program training rural believers to establish and build faith communities in their villages. The program is being run by YWAM missionaries and a local pastor. Abie will be...


Prayer Meeting, Monday, September 14, 7:00

On Monday, September 14th we will be hosting a time to pray with and for each other. This will be prayer time that is simply a time to bring our needs and concerns and to pray with and for each other however the Holy Spirit will lead. The plan is to gather from 7:00-8:00, to...