
Bible Studies and BHOP Cancelled: Week of May 8th

Due to the passing of Abie’s father, we will not be having our Philippians Bible Study, Burlington House of Prayer, or the men’s Bible study at Tabernacle this week. Thank you for understanding and we will still be having our usual Sunday service on May 14th.

May 7, 2017May 7, 2017by

Kid’s Day, Saturday, June 24th, 10:00 AM

It’s almost time for Kid’s Day Burlington! This year Kid’s Day will be taking place in June and not August so come join us as we kick off summer on June 24th from 10am-2pm at Mitchell Field in Burlington, right next to Mitchell Firehouse. Almost 9 years ago, we had the desire to put on...

May 6, 2017November 8, 2018by

May Events Calendar and Bible Reading Plan

Click the link below to view our events calendar for the month of May which also contains the daily Bible reading plan. May 2017 Calendar This year we are following the Bible reading plan titled “Bible In One Year 2017” which can be found on the YouVersion Bible app. This plan will give us a reading...

May 3, 2017May 3, 2017by

Men’s Bible Study, Tabernacle Baptist Church, Saturday, May 13th, 10:00 AM

The next men’s Bible study at Tabernacle Baptist Church will be taking place on Saturday, May 13th at 10:00 AM. Abie is teaching this study that focuses on Genesis 3:9 “Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” We are concentrating on what it truly means to have been...

April 27, 2017November 8, 2018by

Generations Women’s Fellowship, Friday, May 5th, 7:00 PM

On Friday, May 5th, we will be having our Generations Women’s Fellowship starting at 7:00 PM at Rose of Sharon Christian bookstore, 315 High St in Burlington (use the rear entrance which is accessible from the public parking lot in the back). Come and bring a friend or two for a night of connecting, laughing,...

April 27, 2017April 27, 2017by

Prayer Meeting, Monday, May 1st 7:00 PM

Our next prayer meeting will be on Monday, May 1st at 7:00 PM. This is a time to pray with and for each other, to share needs that we would like to have prayerful support in and to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to pray both in the Spirit and with understanding as...

April 24, 2017April 24, 2017by

Philippians Bible Study, Wednesday, April 26th, 7:00 PM

The next class in our study of the book of Philippians is on Wednesday, April 26th at 7:00 PM. The Bible study is held at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Rd. in Burlington every other Wednesday. We apologize but there is no child care provided for this gathering.

April 18, 2017April 18, 2017by

Burlington House Of Prayer, Sunday, April 23rd, 6:00 PM

Our next Burlington House of Prayer gathering will be on Sunday, April 23rd, at 6:00 PM at the Kulynych’s home, 945 Bordentown Road in Burlington. Our House of Prayer gatherings are times to gather in God’s presence, worship and respond to God’s heart through prayer and the reading of Scripture, to let the Holy Spirit...

April 17, 2017April 17, 2017by

Prayer Meeting, Monday, April 17th 7:00 PM

NOTE LOCATION CHANGE: Our next prayer meeting will be on Monday, April 17th at 7:00 PM. This is a time to pray with and for each other, to share needs that we would like to have prayerful support in and to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to pray both in the Spirit and...

April 17, 2017April 17, 2017by

Easter Sunrise Service Sermon: Amanda Mackie “The Road to Emmaus”

This morning we participated in the Easter sunrise service in conjunction with several other Burlington churches. The speaker for the service was our youth pastor Amanda Mackie. Luke 24:13-35New International Version (NIV) Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with...

April 16, 2017November 8, 2018by