
Workday, Saturday, August 1st 9:00-Noon

We will be having another workday at our building at 35 West Broad Street in Burlington, on Saturday, August 1st from 9:00 to Noon. We are hoping to have enough help to get all of the ceiling tiles and other debris removed from all three floors. If you are able to attend or have any...


The book of Mark Bible Study, Wednesday, July 22, 7:00

Our book of Mark Bible Study will continue Wednesday night, July 22nd at 7:00 PM. We will be picking up at Mark 11:20-33 a passage in which the disciples see the outcome of Jesus cursing a fig tree and in response Jesus explains the connection between prayer and forgivness.  The Bible study is held at...


Prayer Meeting, Monday July 20th, 7:00 PM

On Monday, July 20th we will be hosting a time to pray with and for each other. Our weekly prayer meeting has been focused on intercession for Burlington City for quite some time. This Monday we will begin a prayer time that is simply a time to bring our needs and concerns and to pray...


Baptism Service, Sunday, July 19th

We will be having a baptism service on Sunday, July 19th immediately after our 10:00 worship service. If you have surrendered your heart to Jesus, obeying His description of discipleship by denying yourself, taking up the cross and following Him but have not taken the step of faith to be baptized in water this is...


Kairos Moments

There is a Greek word found in the New Testament that some Christians enjoy using on occasion, “Kairos”. This word is simply translated in English as “time” but it’s a very specific kind or measurement of time. It’s not a unit of time but rather, “Kairos” speaks of an appointed time, a time prepared by...