If Ruth taught us that following God through tragedy is all about love then Abraham teaches us that following through the unknown is all about trust! There will be many times in our lives in which we will be unsure of what comes next, the key to faith is learning that God is never in that position. He always knows our next test, next triumph, next obstacle and next opportunity. When we face situations that are unknown to us I believe it builds faith for us to remember that nothing has ever been unknown to God. Abraham’s life is often defined by the 25 years of waiting for a child. During those years we see many trials and many tests. There were moments in which Abraham thrived in faith, being sure of what God would accomplish and then there were other moments in which he gave in to fear and took matters into his own hands. In the end though, God’s perfect love cast out Abraham’s fear and His perfect plans all came to pass. My prayer today for each of us is that we will confess our fears and doubts to God and let Him build in us the trust that is necessary for us to see the fulfillment of all of His plans and promises for our lives. The waiting is not about punishment, it is for our healing and God’s glory. Strength can only carry us so far, but trust, trust gives us the ability to walk in God’s strength, knowing and believing that all of His promises are yes in the Amen!