The last week of Jesus’ life began with Him riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, presenting Himself and being recognized by the people of Israel as the Messiah. Within a few short days, many of the same people that shouted “Hosanna!” as He rode to Jerusalem were rejecting Him. What happened to make such a drastic change? What happens in our lives to make us change drastically from a season in which we are sure of God’s love, His grace and His voice to moments of questioning, even rejecting everything we have ever known? I believe that we all experience moments in which we find out that God’s plans don’t match our desires, at those moments we have to decide our course, will we believe Him and obey or will we reject Him and choose our own path? Israel announced that Jesus was the Messiah as He rode into Jerusalem, but when they realized that, as Messiah He would not save them from Rome and establish Israel as the greatest nation on earth, they rejected Him. I pray today that we would move from a relationship that simply believes in God to a relationship that faithfully believes God; that we would do more than recognize His existence but that we would bow to His authority. I pray that Jesus would not just enter our lives to fulfill our plans, but that we would give our lives to Jesus trusting Him to do His perfect will for His glory and for the increase of His kingdom.