Acts 2:42 tells us that the first church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” There is something powerful that happens in community. The outcome of devotion for the first church was miraculous power, divine unity and daily salvation. I believe that devotion to God, to His will and to His people is an important, sometimes missing aspect of the church today. My prayer is that during the course of 2011 that we will choose to be devoted, that we will choose to remain, to be faithful, obedient to God’s Word and voice and to walk in community in a way that will unleash the miraculous, build unity and pour out salvation. I pray that we will look back at the first days of the church and follow their example in following Christ. May this be a year in which we are fully devoted to all that God has called us to and will set before us.